
Interested parties can register for participation in the competition and receive the competition program after paying a single non-refundable fee of 50 EUR or 100 BGN (Bulgarian leva) to the account of Sofia Capital Municipality, Architecture and Urban Spatial Development Service, 5 Serdika Str, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, VAT No 000696327
IBAN BG76SOMB91303126295700;
Name of Bank: Municipal Bank PLC, Triaditza FC
Address of Bank: Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 6 Triaditsa Str.

Registration is open until 16.00h on 09.12.2011 (4 pm on December 9, 2011) at the following address: Sofia Capital Municipality, Architecture and Urban Spatial Development Service, 5 Serdika Str, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, ground floor.
The person responsible for registration will make a list with all the names and addresses of the registered participants.
Registration can be done via mail after providing an address to which the program can be sent.
Only one project can be presented per registration, variations in project proposals are not permitted.




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